The development of the following competences will conduct to the graduation in the Master’s Degree:
- CB6 Students should possess and understand knowledge which provides a basis or an opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
- CB7 Students should be able to apply the acquired knowledges and their ability in problem resolution in new or not well know environments within wider (multidisciplinary) contexts related with their study field.
- CB8 Students should be able to integrate knowledges and to face the complexity of making judgements from a information which, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledges and judgements.
- CB9 Students should be able to community their conclusions, knowledges and underlying reasons which sustain the specialised and non specialised audience clearly and unambiguously.
- CB10 Students should have the learning skills which will enable them to continue studying in a way which can be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- CG1 Innovate in spaces and areas of work field, showing initiative and entrepreneurship.
- CG2 Identify information from the scientific literature using the right channels and integrate this information to present and provide context in a research topic.
- CG3 Value the responsibility in the information and knowledge management in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Research.
- CG4 Achieve skills of projects analyse, description, organisation, planning and management.
- CG5 Use scientific terminology in English to discuss the experimental results in the context of the Chemistry profession.
- CG6 Correctly use the new technologies for information collection and organisation to solve problems in the professional activity.
- CG8 Value the human, economical, legal and technical parts of the professional exercise, as well as the impact of chemistry in the environment and on the sustainable development of society.
- CT1 Draft, write and publicly defend scientific and technical reports.
- CT2 Work in teams and adapt to multidisciplinary teams.
- CT3 Work autonomously and efficiently in the daily practice of research or of professional activity.
- CT4 Appreciate the value of quality and continuous improvement, acting rigorously, with responsibility and professional ethics.
- CT5 Achieve a respectful attitude towards others’ opinions, values, behaviours and practices.
- CE1 Define specialised concepts, principles, theories and facts in the different areas of Chemistry.
- CE2 Provide alternatives to the resolution of complex chemical problems in the different specialities within chemistry.
- CE3 Apply the materials the biomolecules in innovative fields in the chemical industry and engineering.
- CE4 Innovate in the synthesis and analyse methods related with the different areas in Chemistry.
- CE5 Correctly evaluate the health risks and environmental and socioeconomic impact related with chemical substances.
- CE6 Design processes implying the treatment or elimination of dangerous chemical products.
- CE7 Analyse and use the obtained data autonomously in complex laboratory experiments related with chemical, physical or biological correct techniques, including the use of bibliographic primary resources
- CE8 Value, promote and practice the innovation and entrepreneurship in the chemical industry and research.
- CE9 Operate with advanced tools for the chemical analyse and structural determination.